Foto : Intipseleb/Tiya Sukmawati

6. Riang Gembira : Pestapora Authenticity Soundroom, Thirteen, Stereo Wall, Sore, Summerlane, Momonon, Orkes Pensil Alis, Goodnight Electric (Love and Tubo Action Set), The Jansen

7. Klab Klub : Holy City Rollers, Addade, Sweet As Revenge, Pestolaer, BAP., The Brandals, That's Rockefeller, Rub of Rub, Rumahsakit, Morfem

8. Yes No Klub : Isolasido, Nursalim Yadi Anugerah, Indramenus x Joe Million, Zoo, Kadapat, Xin Lie, Libya Montes, Asep Nayak x Nikolas Nayak

9. Alternative Stage : Godplant, Brunobauer, Huminoid, Rekah, Peach, Amerta, Creve Ouverte!, Tarrkam, After Party : Dekadenz

10. Pop Up Stage : Bottlesmoker, Pemuda Tersesat Musik

11. Double Deck : Back in the Days - Anton Wirjono, Hogi Wirjono

12. Pecapowa : Frau

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