Foto : Instagram/@lauvsongs

IntipSeleb BaratDisney dan Pixar telah berkolaborasi dengan menciptakan film animasi baru bertajuk ‘Elemental’. Akan tayang 16 Juni mendatang, film Elemental telah merilis OST.

OST Elemental diisi oleh Lauv yang bertajuk ‘Steal the Show’. Penasaran? Yuk intip lirik lagunya berikut ini.

Lirik Lagu Steal The Show – Lauv OST Elemental

Started out on a one way train
Always knew where I was gonna go next
Didn't know until I saw your face
I was missing out on every moment
You'll be one and, baby, I'll be two
Would you mind it if I said I'm into you (I'm into you)

So if it's real, then darling let me know
I wouldn't mind if you steal the show

You and I, we go together
You're the sky, I'll be the weather
A pretty thing, a sun and rain, oh no
Oh, yeah
Summer night, perfect occasion
When I'm by, you know I'll be waiting for you
Oh, for you

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